Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why Three days Hands-on Seminar?
First day it will cover Lecture through simplest way. Second day participant will follow One-on-One Hands-on with Mentor & Third day participant will perform all clinical steps independently to gain confidence in day-to-day practice.
Can we really match colors of Composite with Natural tooth?
Yes! It is simple technique to understand natural colors od tooth which transfer from Composite restorative material.
We have Post operative sensitivity, discoloration, poor contact, debonding, white or black line so how to overcome these issues?
Please note these are all iatrogenic errors.
Can we recreate Natural anatomy in Posterior composite with minimal Occlusal adjustment?
Yes! Clinician can reform Natural anatomy in Composite without instrument which will be key part of Hands-on that may not require occlusal adjustment.
Is your Hands-on will cover Ceramic Veneer?
No. It will cover only all types of Composite Restoration.