Composite resin layering

Aesthetics are of great significance since long era that attribute to great Smile by using modern color match Composite resin as Restorative material which also has ability to transform into desire Shape & form of teeth, however, to retain functional & long-term predictable result, it is important to highlight following topics.

Topic :

  1. Introduction to Biomimetics
  2. Different types of Composites material
  3. Advantage & Disadvantage of Composite
  4. Polymerization Shrinkage & its management
  5. Which type of Composite should select according to clinical situation?
  6. Selection of Composite instrument for Posterior & Anterior teeth
  7. Simple technique for Selection of Composite Shades for Dentin & Enamel
  8. Volume control layering concept
  9. Oblique & Centripetal layering technique to minimize polymerization shrinkage.
  10. Sculpting Composite with help of brush & composite instrument having detailed knowledge of anatomy of teeth that will create seamless transition without occlusal anatomy adjustment for Posterior composite restoration.
  11. Putty Index technique for Anterior composite restoration
  12. Learn how to mask white line clinically into Anterior composite restoration.
  13. Addition of Tints into composite will create natural tooth color transition with minimal use of composite shades.