Advanced Endodontics should be immediately followed in a most simple way in your clinic as it promotes painless, profitable endodontics.
All these concepts provide a most painful & unsuccessful endodontics as a result the patient may not continue with the treatment and it can also affect your practice seriously as well as economically. Traditional concept has become history in present endodontics.
Rotary endodontics is most important part my Hands-on Seminar as it helps to shape canal in very short time minimizes multiple visits & promotes profitable endodontics,however separation of instruments has become one of concern reason for failure in endodontic procedure,it can be simply avoided if clinician understand Rotary Ni-Ti shaper files geometries,their concepts like concept of Taper,Glide path simplifies to understand space created in canal,proper sequence of canal preparation as well understand Rotary Endomotor which has torque,gear relates with RPM of rotary file.
Yes! Apex locator is important gadget to locate position of Apical foramina,however regretfully i have to comment that clinician are using A.locator without proper clinical guideline encounter problem like misreading then clinician blame gadget,but remember it will show precise reading only when clinician follows precise clinical guideline & approach.
Four days Hands-on Seminar includes one and half day lecture with 2 and half day Hands-on workshop.
First one and half day lecture HD presentation is taken in a simple interactive way with all participants maintaining friendly environment to ensure every topic is well understood.
Once all concepts are clear to all participant then on the secod half day, third & fourth full day, they have to proceed to new concepts, precise technique on extracted tooth until they become confident.
Clinician should not forget that Advanced Endodontics disinfects complete Root Canal System, so it's need of the hour for every clinician.
Profitability of endodontics depends on how well one manages painless, successful endodontics in day to day practice. This painless dentistry can be achieved if clinician follows Advanced Endodontics precisely in practice.
Separation of instrument, residual infection can be prevented if clinician follows precise concept, clinical action of instrument helps to control economy of clinical endodontics.