Advanced Endodontics Course Pune India


  • Different method of Obturation technique
  • Selection of Master Cone
    • Standardized or Non-Standardized
    • Same or Small Taper
    • Apical Tug Back
    • Linear Resistance form
  • Role of Sealant
    • Choice of Sealant
    • Precise manipulation
    • Pumping action
  • Role of Spreader
    • Hand or Finger
    • Clinical application
  • Role of Plugger
    • Vertical compaction with Plugger
  • Lateral Condensation with Vertical compaction method
  • Step by step technique using Simple formula
  • Single Vs Multiple visits
  • Role of CaOH
  • Evidence based Clinical cases

3D Obturation of "Root Canal System"

Root canal systems can be 3D Obturated by different methods.

Let's understand how to select Master cone, role of Sealant, Spreader, and Plugger. Learn step-by-step filling Root Canal System by a simple method (Lateral Condensation with Vertical Compaction) which can be performed by any clinician.