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Any badly mutilated tooth require to understand proper clinical diagnosis, careful examining radiograph and other factors to make tooth restorable inform of CLP, Ferrule effect ,Biological width, post and core before proceeding any endodontic procedure.
Selection of case makes to decide preservation of natural tooth. Understand factors responsible for selection of case.
To read internal anatomy of Root canal space, clinician must examine Radiograph carefully. Radiograph help to guide mental image to guide each procedural step before initiating any endodontic procedure. Clinician must think, visualize, and plan so that all clinical steps are directed towards producing optimal shaping, cleaning, and obturation with help of good quality radiograph. So let's share in detail Radiograph through clinical cases.
Regretfully to comment that it is most neglected step in Advanced Endodontics, but in reality it key success to manage internal anatomy of Root canal system.
Straight-line Access simplifies entrance to root canal orifices (Missed canal), shaping, 3D cleaning, and 3D obturation.
But how to achieve straight-line Access?
So, let's understand how to design outline form, selection of Armemtarium, step-by-step clinical procedure. However sometimes it requires modifying Access Cavity.
Role of Ultrasonic in Access Cavity.
Understand how limitation of Traditional concepts has evolved new Concepts & Strategies e.g.: Crown Down Concept, Step Back Concept, Glide Path, Balance Force Concept, Preenlargement, Apical Patency, Working length with use of Apex Locator, Change in design & clinical method of Instrument. Complete painless, successful endodontics can be performed by following new concept, material, and technique. But dominant reality is precise clinical action are not followed by clinicians, so presently also failure is serious issue all over the world. The rate of success is entirely depend on clinician how well they manage Root canal system.
Shaping is strategic cornerstone in the foundation of endodontic success. Shaping is done by shaper file. Shaping creates define logical taper preparation for deeper penetration of irrigants which digest entire pulpal tissue. Understand geometries i.e. Introduction to all Ni-Ti shaper file (Hand or Rotary), Concept of Taper, Precise Clinical action of Instrument, Precise Technique that can shape any canal with difficult anatomy. Precise shaping is paramount for irrigation. It is well appreciated that any well shape canal can achieve well filled canal.
Root Canal System is infected with viruses, spores, end toxins, smear layer. Irrigant disinfect complete Root Canal System. Shaping creates define space for volume of irrigant to circulate into root canal space. Learn choice & proper method use of irrigant.
Effectiveness of irrigant can be improved by Hydrodynamic activation with use of Ultrasonic. 3D cleaning simplifies 3D obturation by filling entire root canal system. Precise shaping is paramount for irrigation.
Root canal systems can be 3D Obturated by different method.
Let's understand how to select Master cone, role of Sealant, Spreader, and Plugger. Learn step-by-step filling Root Canal System by simple method (Lateral Condensation with Vertical Compaction) which can be performed by any clinician.
Advanced Endodontics allow to understand "Root Canal System" which can be manage by superior Access Cavity, Shaping, effective 3D cleaning, 3D obturation & clinically achieve complete disinfection of System. Advanced Endodontics allows most painless, predictable long term successful endodontics.
Advanced Endodontics treats complete "Root Canal Systems" So implement in clinical practice at earliest to improve clinical result, personal satisfaction & Endodontics profitability.
So, it's need of hour for every dental clinician to "Learn, Understand and Follow" Advanced Endodontics by most simple way in your practice.